Posts tagged resilience
Whiteness and Anxiety - Deadly Combination

luisdaniellecastillejo Whiteness and Anxiety


Fight Flight Freeze Fawn

What do we do with this dangerous mixture?

#race #anxiety #awareness racism #trauma #traumahealing #dothrwork

@brezybear credit to my people for their wisdom - tagged in this

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Dina Martinez - a story - una historia

My therapist presented to me the Maslow’s hierarchy needs as a way for me to understand where my restlessness originated from, but after listening to indigenous folks, I started imagining it more like a circle instead of a pyramid. Mi terapista me demostro La hirarcia de necesidades por Maslow, para poder entender el origen de mi hipervigilancia e inquietud, pero al escuchar a algunos de líderes indígenas, empecé a imaginarlo como un círculo envés de una pirámide.”

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