"I" before "E" Except after "C" By Tracie Warren

“I” before “E” Except after “c”

By Tracie Warren

Keeping up appearances, copping that tough exterior

Don't talk don't feel don't trust

That inner voice said to her

That's how it is when ya livin' in the 'hood

Avoiding death and destruction as best I could

They get wisdom from the streets

Lament what shoulda-coulda-woulda been

Hustle for a quick fix, fast money

Willing to die in the end

After seeing this, negativity and bitterness became my friend

Built walls around my heart, I'm not letting anyone in

Mom, teachers, coaches said "stay in school

Don't be like the rest

Teen mother, school dropout, arrests, playing prison roulette

Be a good girl, get good grades, pass your tests

College acceptance granted

Free at last

Getting away from the 'hood

Me myself and I, an agenda about me

Just doing my thing, thought I was having fun

Never gave much thought to life after this one

And try as I may I could not hide

A hurting heart masked in sarcasm and pride

What's left? A hollow spot, full of emptiness and loneliness inside

Good grades, good girl, scholastic aptitude

Did little to cover up that nasty, bitter attitude

Then Christ came in and showed me a better way

That's why I am the woman standing here today

I'm on a journey, to live, to love, to give and receive

And be the person that He created me to be

My heart was bitter but now it's better

The difference between those two, one letter

I before E except after C

I in christ and Christ in me

Tracie Warren grew up in Los Angeles, California with her parents and five siblings. She earned a degree in psychology from UCLA and went on to work in the non-profit sector of campus ministry. Tracie currently serves as the Director of Operations for The Impact Movement, a ministry focused on reaching, developing and preparing Black college students for life well beyond graduation. She loves learning about people and has gained a fond appreciation for God's intentional variety of ethnic backgrounds. She believes that everyone has a story that adds to our collective voice of humanity and that those voices should be heard. Tracie currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia and enjoys serving families with young children, her church community, listening to old school music and dancing to it, hanging out with friends, reading, and watching sporting events.

Grace and peace, Tracie Warren